Sat Aug 26th 4-6 pm for the Second Annual Cape San Juan HOA wine tasting event with Stan Reitan the Wine Man.
Event: Wine tasting of some of Stan’s favorite good value wines, along with a few wine challenges .
Date: Saturday August 26th
Time: 4-6 pm
Location: Cape Fire Hall Outdoor Picnic Area
Fee: $15.00 per person
What to bring: Please bring an appetizer to share and your own wine glass(s).
RSVP : Please RSVP to Peggy Long with number of people in your part by Sat August 20th at Cell: 253-350-7920
Email: (This will enable Stan to plan the correct number of bottles to bring to the tasting . )
Wines will be available to order: At the conclusion of the event , Stan will have order forms available so that we can order any of the wines that we find of interest.
Volunteers needed : We could use the help of a couple of volunteers to assist with table set-up - up of the buffet tables for the appetizers and wine , and table take down, and a few others to assist Stan with wine pouring .
Should be a fun event! Hope to see you there!
Cape San Juan Homeowners Association
P.O. Box 1825
Friday Harbor, WA 98250