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cape san juan homeowners association

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Cape San Juan Water District

Cape San Juan Water District, a municipal corporation, is the water purveyor for Cape San Juan. The District operates under state law and regulations of the State Health Department. It is governed by three commissioners, elected by Cape property owners for staggered six year terms. The district is managed by Sherri Phelps, who holds all licenses required for a district this size. The District meets monthly at times and locations posted on the Cape Reader Board and on this website. Your attendance and questions are welcomed at these meetings.

Cape water is drawn from a sole source aquifer and delivered to individual lots, the pool, and the dock through meters, which are read and billed monthly.

Water Conservation
Conservation is extremely important because the aquifer is considered fragile, and is only replenished by rainfall, which is lower on this end of the island because of a rain-shadow caused by the Olympic mountains and mountains on Vancouver Island. Consequently, rates (prices per gallon) are tiered to encourage conservation, and excessive water use can result in a fine.

Current Water Rates
Rates are steeply tiered to encourage homeowners to conserve water
Price per gallon of water used per month:

$.006 per gallon for the first 3,000 gallons
$.0125 per gallon for 3,001-5,000 gallons
$.03 per gallon for 5,001 – 6,000 gallons
$.057 per gallon for 6,001 – 10,000 gallons
$.077 per gallon for 10,001 gallons or more

Fine Scenarios
If a homeowner uses over 7,500 gallons in a month, this triggers a potential fine scenario. The amount used in the following two months is added to the “initial” month. If the resulting 3-month total exceeds 22,500 gallons, a fine of $500 will be added to the cost of the water used. If the 3-month total exceeds 30,000 gallons, a $1,000 fine will be incurred. Homeowners will be contacted by phone or email within a day or two of a meter reading of 7,500 gallons. Immediately you should locate and fix the leak, or turn your water off at the meter to prevent further loss.

This action is encouraged to prevent loss of water in the next two months – and possibly, to avoid a fine. If a contractor is unable to respond quickly and water is being lost, you might turn your water on long enough to collect drinking water once a day, or ask your neighbor to fill your containers. You are encouraged to call Sherri or one of the commissioners with questions or for assistance.

Maintenance of household water-using appliances is critical. Outside irrigation is discouraged, however, seasonal watering of small plots of drought-tolerant plants can be done with a well-designed system, if care is taken.

Please do your part to conserve water!
The Water District considers 3,000 gallons a month to be adequate for a 2 person household. One of the goals that the District has committed to with the State of Washington is to reduce the number of customers using more than 5,000 gallons a month. Our internal monthly reports list the names of customers who have used more than 5,000 in the previous month, and an annual internal report reflects how many times customers have exceeded 5,000.

Please don’t’ use more than your share, and hopefully our aquifer will provide an adequate quantity of water for all of us for decades to come.

Water District Commissioners
Roger Hill (president) 360-378-3085
David Rumolo 360-370-5504
Luci Francis  360-622-5126

Water District Manager

Sherri Phelps   360-317-8335

Mail your water payment to: Cape San Juan Water District, PO Box 3281, Friday Harbor, WA 98250

Questions about your bill? Call Sherri Phelps at 360-317-8335 or email

Important Note: The water district operates independently from Cape San Juan HOA. Water bill payments can not be paid via the Cape San Juan HOA website nor mailed to the Cape San Juan HOA PO Box.

Annual Water Quality Reports

CCR 2024 complete.pdf

PFAS Results.pdf

Hydrant Archives:

Hydrant May 2017.pdf

Hydrant September 2017.pdf

Hydrant December 2017.pdf

Hydrant February 2018.pdf

Hydrant October 2018.pdf

Hydrant December 2018.pdf

Hydrant May 2019.pdf

Hydrant December 2019.pdf

Hydrant July 2020.pdf

Hydrant December 2020.pdf

Hydrant June 2021.pdf

Hydrant February 2022.pdf

Hydrant September 2022.pdf

Hydrant April 2023.pdf

Hydrant September 2024.pdf

About us

We are a homeowners association established to manage and maintain the Cape San Juan neighborhood on San Juan Island in WA state.

Contact us

Cape San Juan Homeowners Association

P.O. Box 1825

Friday Harbor, WA 98250


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